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Fundraising is an easy, fun way to start your ministry off with a boost...

Christmas Fair Town Square Valentine Ball Italian Dinner

    This is an easy way to help your ministry start off with a boost and to add to funding before it is exhausted.  We suggest that you do 2 annual fundraisers to help foster community as well as promote and maintain your ministry.  

    Some churches don't like fund raising and I will tell you why...it is done tackily and with just enough guilt added that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.  Steer clear of that type of fund raising.  You want EVERYTHING you do to reflect the children's ministry in a positive light and as a valuable part of the church.

    Fundraising is a great way to foster community within a church by letting everyone pull together for a good cause.  And if the fund raising is fun people will want to contribute.  

    Here are some sample fund raising ideas to share with your church.  They are low cost/ high profit and gobs of fun, using resources you already have!



Ministry2Children is funded by your donations.  For info on how to make a donation click the DONATE link.  God Bless!