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by H.M. Ward         



This is a one lesson unit on Pentecost.  All directions are included in the lesson.  Contact us to ask any questions faithlessons@ministry2children.com.  

Pentecost: The Birthday of the Church

Scripture: Acts 2 (Adapted from the International Children’s Version Bible)

Ages: Recommended for ages 2 & up: Non-readers and early readers.

Supplies NeededBible, Streamers, Birthday cake, Birthday candles, Table clothes, Oak tag, Cross, Balloons, Tape, Red glitter, and music.


This curriculum follows an outline format to flow from point to point.  The teacher’s words to say are highlighted in bold in the following sections.  Please read Acts 2 from your Bible so you are familiar with the story.  Pray before each class to help convey the word of God to little ears and minds.    

Room Set up:  Arrange your room to look like the best birthday party ever!  Be as creative as possible – use glitter, streamers, drape fabric, and use pillows as seats.  Remember to have a fancy Birthday Cake!

Supplies:  Supplies are as elaborate as you would like to be.  Feel free to add and embellish this list.  Use items you have available at church or home.  Items that you must have for this lesson are in bold. 

Lesson Time:  Meet, Greet, Prayer & Praise: 8-10 minutes

                     Story time : 18-20 minutes

                     Activity Time: 15-20 minutes

                     Class Conclusion: 5-10  minutes or as needed


                     Total lesson time: ~ 60 minutes

It is important that there are NO materials insight when giving the lesson so that the children listen to the story and the directions without distractions.  Hide the costumes in a box out of sight.

Meet, Greet, Prayer & Praise:

·        Greet children by name and ask them to pick to a pillow to sit on.

·        Sing: Sing 2-3 favorite songs to allow late children to participate in the entire lesson.

·        Pray: Start a chain prayer and allow each child to add something they are thankful for. 

Story time:

·        Take the children to the sanctuary for the lesson so they can touch and see the cross.  Ask them to sit on the front pews so they can see the cross.  Point it out before the lesson and say:

·        Today’s lesson is ABOUT THIS (point to the cross and touch it) - THE CHURCH.  Did you know that God loves the church very much?  HE DOES!  AND NOW WE ARE GOING TO HEAR A TRUE STORY FROM THE BIBLE ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHURCH.

·        Before you begin telling the story open a Bible and show each child where Acts is in the Bible.

·        Feel free to personify the characters and explain as needed while telling this story.

·        Tell the following story (adapted from the NCV):

They waited.  They waited.  And then they waited some more!  Jesus’ friends had stayed in the city and waited just like he told them to.  Peter was there, and so was John and lots of other people that loved Jesus. 

They waited in Jerusalem and had been waiting so long.  It seemed like forever because they were so excited.  You see, a few days earlier some very special things happened. 

At first it was sad – some mean people were ugly to Jesus and they hung him on a wood cross and he died.  Then 3 days passed and when the sun came up on the 3rd day Mary went to the grave were Jesus was buried – but he was not there!  Jesus was alive! 

He walked and talked, and he ate with his friends.  Everyone was so happy!  Jesus stayed with his friends for 40 days.  Then a big cloud carried him up to Heaven.  Jesus asked his friends to stay in Jerusalem until he sent them a special message.  And so they waited and waited and waited – for 10 days they waited! 

And as they waited many people came to town because of a big party that was thrown every year.  So there were people EVERYWHERE!  So many people squished into the spaces and hotels and places to eat.  Many of the people came from far, far away and were happy they got to visit Jerusalem even though they did not speak the same as everyone else.

 Then it happened.  There was a loud SWOOSH and the wind began to blow and whistle hard!  It filled the whole house.  And then they saw something FLICKERING and BRIGHT.  There were many of them – they looked like little bits of fire floating in the air.  The fire floated but it did not burn anything.  The little pieces of fire stopped and floated over Jesus’ friends heads.  They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak and talk.  They could talk to anyone who was there!  They could speak in different languages – ones they didn’t even know! 

And do you know what they said?  Do you know what they told everyone?  They told them the story of Jesus.  They told them that Jesus was the Son of God, he came to earth as a baby, and grew up.  He did lots of good things and loved people very much.  But some people did not like Jesus and they killed him.  BUT 3 days later the grave was empty - JESUS was alive!  And Jesus is alive now!  The cross is empty because Jesus is alive! (Touch the cross)

Jesus’ friends told everyone they saw about Jesus and the people believed!

·        Follow the story by asking questions: Why is the cross empty?  Did the people believe in Jesus?  What is Pentecost?

·        Let the children touch the cross.

·         Use this time to fill in areas of the story they did not understand/ remember.


Activity Time:

· Party Time:  Cake for breakfast?  Yes!  Just watch the sugar intake.  You may choose to spread frosting thin or slice pieces very thin.  Little children, chocolate, and empty tummies results in hyper children.

Text Box: Tip:  Take an active part in the activity section.  The teacher has control over the mood of the class.  Being involved makes it more fun and exciting.  Be excited!  It’s the church’s Birthday – Go NUTS!

·      Ask them BEFORE you leave the sanctuary what a birthday party is.  Let them answer you. 

·        Tell them: TODAY IS THE CHURCH’S BIRTHDAY – WE CALL THAT SPECIAL DAY PENTECOST.  Ask them to say that with you.  PENT_A_COST.

·        Then say who wants to go to a birthday party?!

·        Take them into the party room

·        Sing Happy Birthday to the Church

·        Pray BEFORE you eat and say:


·        When everyone is almost done eating give each child a special headband that you make for them prior to class.  Use oak tag, tape, and red glitter.  Fit a strip of oak tag to each child’s head. 

·        Put the sparkling flames on the table.  Ask them if they think the flames are hot. 

·        Ask them to take ONE flame and put it on their headband. 

·        Ask them to tell people about Jesus!


Class Conclusion:

·       Conclude the class with free-play time.  Allow them to tell each other about Jesus.  Encourage them to tell their parents and church about Jesus when they leave.

Characteristics of this age group:

    • They will need more help.
    • They will loose interest quickly.
    • They need some supervision.


Encourage their creativity during story time – if they have questions and make observations during the story that is okay.  It shows you that you have their attention and they are interested in what you are saying. A smile or a nod is often a sufficient response as to not pause the lesson. 

Encourage their spirituality during party time – If they ask about the cake – ask them if they think Jesus ate cake.  If they ask for milk ask them if they think Jesus drank milk.  Asking questions about what they are physically doing will help them realize that Jesus is a real person. 

Learning by Doing:  If you can show a child something rather than tell them something - the learning takes on a new form.  Learning becomes something living that has several more facets that appeal to their senses, imagination, and brings Scripture to life.  Faith Lessons© are taught to show children faith.  That makes the teacher not only a teacher, but also an active example of faith.  Take the time to encourage, nurture, and show the love of Christ to a child instead of just telling them about it.  God bless you in your efforts to share your faith with the children of the church.


FAITH LESSONS© 2004  All rights reserved.  

Permission to print this document for personal use is given by the author- provided that the name of the author and FAITH LESSONS© appears on the document.                                                        



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